
A paralysis injury is completely life-altering no matter the circumstances, but when you become paralyzed due to another person’s negligent or careless conduct, it is even more difficult.

When you or a loved one becomes paralyzed through no fault of your own, you should contact a Bedford County paralysis injury lawyer for assistance. While compensation does not reverse such serious damage, a personal injury lawsuit can give paralysis victims the means to move forward after the accident. The cost of treating such a serious injury can quickly burden families. Those who suffer paralysis injuries require years of medical treatment and other assistance. And they might be out of work for an extended period or even permanently due to the injury.

Speak with an experienced catastrophic injury attorney at our firm if you are considering legal action after becoming paralyzed.

Accidents that Cause Paralysis Injuries

Paralysis injuries are among the most devastating injuries people suffer in catastrophic accidents. A paralysis injury can range in severity and usually depends on what portion of the person’s spine is affected during the impact. Some paralysis victims lose movement in the limbs, while others completely lose movement below the neck, known as quadriplegia. Several accidents could cause someone to be temporarily or permanently paralyzed, including:

Most victims of catastrophic accidents are not prepared financially to cover the cost of treatment. A Bedford County paralysis injury attorney can assist with filing a claim for compensation to cover these losses.

The Impact of a Paralysis Injury

The long-term impact of a paralysis injury on you and your family should be taken into consideration when calculating damages. A paralyzed person will often need specialized medical care, rehab, physical therapy, and other treatments. You could also need to modify your home or car to accommodate your disability; wheelchair ramps and other adaptive devices are expensive.

When a person or entity causes someone else to become paralyzed through negligence, they are liable for the victim’s losses. You can prove your losses through medical bills and estimates. You can recover the cost of past and future medical care, lost income, and loss of earning capacity if you are permanently disabled and unable to work. Non-economic losses such as pain and suffering or emotional distress are also recoverable losses. A dedicated paralysis injury lawyer in Bedford County will work with you to consult the necessary experts to cope with your injury and advocate for damages that consider these costs.

Consult a Bedford County Paralysis Injury Attorney Today

We understand the serious nature of a paralysis injury and the financial burden victims face as a result. If you were paralyzed in a catastrophic accident, consider hiring a Bedford County paralysis injury lawyer at Marcus & Mack to represent you.

Our attorneys have years of experience litigating personal injury claims and representing individuals with serious injuries like paralysis. Not only can our personal injury lawyers file a lawsuit on your behalf or negotiate with the responsible party’s insurance, but they can also investigate the cause of the accident and gather evidence to support your case. Call today to get started.

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Marcus & Mack

Marcus & Mack
57 S 6th Street,
The Mitchell House

Indiana PA   15701
1216 11th Ave
Suite 219

Altoona PA   16601
108 West Beaver Avenue,
Suite 203

State College PA  16801
334 Budfield St,

Johnstown PA  15904
12 West Long Ave.
Suite 203

DuBois PA  15801