
Operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is an extremely reckless decision, and unfortunately, it frequently leads to catastrophic injuries and even fatal crashes. When you are involved in a car wreck caused by an impaired driver, you may be grappling with severe injuries, financial setbacks, and mounting stress and anxiety about the future.

Taking legal action after drunk driving car accidents in Johnstown can be challenging for those unfamiliar with the nuances of civil lawsuits and the types of compensation that are available. Therefore, seeking guidance from an experienced auto collision attorney who can help you navigate the legal process and recover the full extent of your damages is critical.

Common Fact Patterns

Usually, these accidents occur when an intoxicated driver attempts to turn or navigate a traffic light. Drunk drivers often struggle to perceive and react to other vehicles and their surroundings, which are essential skills for safe driving. This impaired decision-making and physical control of the car are the common denominators in these wrecks.

Geographically, there are certain areas in Johnstown with numerous bars and restaurants that serve alcohol where many drunk driving accidents have occurred. Therefore, you should be cautious when driving in such areas, especially at night.

Recoverable Damages Following Drunk Driving Collisions

Under Pennsylvania law, the damages available in personal injury claims are economic, non-economic, and punitive.

Economic damages include wage loss, lost earning capacity, and medical bills. Non-economic losses include pain and suffering, embarrassment and humiliation, scarring and disfigurement, and loss of the ability to enjoy life. In serious cases, there may also be a life-care plan to cover the costs of ongoing care for a disabled person.

Punitive damages may also be awarded if the conduct that gave rise to the accident is considered wanton, reckless, or willful. In Johnstown drunk driving crash cases, the court often awards punitive damages due to the defendant’s reckless disregard for the safety of others. Punitive damages are specific to each case and, while there is a limit on the amount the court may grant, multipliers are allowed.

Seek Justice Following Drunk Driving Car Accidents in Johnstown

When you or a loved one are hurt in a drunk driver car accident in Johnstown, it is important to take immediate action and seek legal help. With the guidance of a skilled car accident attorney, you may be able to recover comprehensive compensation for your losses and hold the responsible party accountable.

Do not let an intoxicated driver’s careless actions leave you suffering physically, financially, and emotionally. Instead, reach out to a qualified attorney at Marcus & Mack today to discuss your legal options and get the justice you deserve.

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Marcus & Mack

Marcus & Mack
334 Budfield St,

Johnstown PA  15904