
From managing scarring to battling infections, severe burns are life changing. If you suffered traumatic burns due to another’s carelessness, you might be entitled to compensation for your medical treatment, pain, and suffering.

While an experienced State College burn injury lawyer cannot undo your devastating harm, our dedicated team could help ease the costs associated with your treatment and fight to recover damages for your pain and mental anguish. Whether you need help with insurance applications or wish to discuss litigation, a compassionate State College catastrophic injury attorney could help.

Classes of Burn Injuries

Burns occur when an outside condition irreparably damages the skin, killing cells in the process. The deeper the burn damage, the more serious the injury. Medical professionals group burn injuries into one of the following four categories:

  • First-degree – Minor burns to the first layer of skin generally characterized by sunburn and most household burning accidents
  • Second-degree – Burns to the inner layers of skin that often result in swelling, blistering, and pain. Severe sunburn and scalding liquid often result in these partial-thickness burns
  • Third-degree – Burns extending through each layer of skin to the deeper tissues often causing irreparable nerve damage, blackened flesh, and extensive scarring
  • Fourth-degree – Burns extending to the muscles, bones, and tendons which may require amputation of an affected limb or result in death

First and second-degree burns often heal with time, but third and fourth-degree burns destroy the area’s ability to properly heal. A negligent action in State College may result in an extensive burn injury of varying degree for which an attorney may help claimants seek damages.

Common Causes of Traumatic Thermal Burns in State College

Thermal burns, those caused by heat and fire, are the most common. Legal professionals in State College could often assist claimants suffering from negligently caused burns recover financial compensation. Examples of common burning accidents for which damages may be available include:

  • Building fires
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Industrial electrocutions
  • Scalding liquid spills
  • Chemical explosions
  • Extended contact with hot metals

Burns caused by undercarriage truck accidents, high-speed car crashes, and worker safety violations may entitle claimants to substantial financial settlements.

Treating Severe Burns

Not only are third and fourth-degree burns exceedingly painful, they often result in life-threatening infections. Burns do not just damage skin cells, they kill them. Doctors must remove dead skin, muscles, and bones, cleanse the affected area, and graft new skin over the open wound.

Treating high-degree burn injures is a multi-step process commonly requiring months of in-patient hospital care. Complications often arise after the initial burn treatment. A patient’s body may reject foreign skin grafts, develop infections, and require constant antibiotics and pain medication. Some burn patients are even placed in medically induced comas during the treatment process.

Treatment for burns results in substantial medical bills. Additionally, someone suffering from traumatic burns also will face losses from lost wages, disfigurement, emotional suffering, and pain. People suffering from severe burn injuries in State College should speak with a lawyer about recovering compensation for past and anticipated burn treatment expenses.

Contact a Compassionate Burn Injury Attorney in State College

Serious burns can leave you with physical and emotional scars. Recovering compensation for negligently caused burns can ease the financial strain on your family and aid you in the recovery process. You may also be entitled to damages for lost wages, disfigurement, and pain caused by another person’s careless or reckless actions.

A State College burn injury lawyer may be able to help if you or a loved one is suffering from debilitating burns. Call Marcus & Mack today to discuss potential options for recovery.

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Marcus & Mack

Marcus & Mack
108 West Beaver Avenue,
Suite 203

State College PA  16801