
Commercial trucking accidents occur for several reasons. The common causes of Altoona truck accidents include improperly loaded trailers, failure to maintain trucks, and driving while impaired.

Recently, more truck collisions occur due to inexperienced drivers behind the wheel. Understanding the cause of a truck crash is crucial when attempting to recover compensation. Recognizing the cause of the collision can help streamline the case.

In a case where an accident happened because of an improperly-loaded trailer, a lawyer is able to focus on that fact at the beginning of the case. In the case of an inexperienced driver, what becomes really important is the personnel and training files.

If you or a loved one were injured in a truck crash, contact an accomplished Altoona truck accident lawyer who could help you establish the cause of the accident. Understanding the cause of the wreck will help you recover the damages that you deserve.

How Does a Cause of a Wreck Impact a Case

One way that the cause of a truck accident can impact a case is when it comes to gathering evidence. In a case involving an impaired truck driver, getting evidence quickly is critical. A lawyer needs to talk to witnesses, police officers, and responding personnel. By doing so, an attorney could collect evidence regarding impairment. This evidence may include breathalyzer and blood tests.

In a case involving a fatigued truck driver who has fallen asleep at the wheel, the lawyer could file for punitive damages. Punitive damages are damages that are designed to punish the negligent party for egregious behavior. Collisions happen due to negligence, but sometimes they occur due to something more reckless, which includes driving while fatigued or under the influence. When a driver is tired and does not pull over to rest, they are causing a risk to everyone on the road.

An attorney who is knowledgeable about the common causes of truck accidents in Altoona will know what evidence to look for and how to gather it as soon as possible.

Common Injuries Caused by Truck Collisions

Truck accident injuries can vary, but due to the size, weight, and speed of these vehicles, the injuries can be severe. Truck collision injuries include minor injuries such as bruises and sprains to catastrophic injuries such as broken bones, brain injuries, and spinal cord injuries. Unfortunately, fatalities in truck crashes are common.

The injuries as a result of a truck crash are serious and life-altering. Some people are not able to return to work due to their injuries. When they cannot go to work and pay their bills, that gives them more stress and burden on the injured person and their family. Truck accidents can also cause injuries that go beyond physical.

Fortunately, a dedicated lawyer could help a victim recover damages for their medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering.

Reach out to an Altoona Lawyer Today

To learn more about the common causes of Altoona truck accidents and how a personal injury lawyer could help you, call Marcus & Mack today. Understanding the cause of your wreck can impact how your case proceeds. Contact us today and set up your consultation.

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Marcus & Mack

Marcus & Mack
1216 11th Ave
Suite 219

Altoona PA   16601