Even at low speeds, colliding head-on with another vehicle while driving can have devastating repercussions that include serious physical injuries, extensive financial expenses, and personal losses that last for months or possibly years. At higher speeds, these types of wrecks can be life-altering and all too often fatal, as far too many Pennsylvania families learn every single year.
No matter what specific damages your particular crash has caused you, demanding comprehensive compensation for them could be essential to protecting your future. If you were involved in a front-end car accident in State College, contacting a skilled auto accident attorney to discuss your legal options should be your top priority after receiving necessary medical care.
While airbags, collision prevention systems, and other modern safety features have significantly reduced the mortality rate of auto accidents as a whole, front-end crashes in State College are still particularly likely to cause life-changing trauma. The sheer force involved in two multi-ton vehicles colliding head-on is enough to cause debilitating harm to every vehicle occupant, commonly including:
Recovering for the short- and long-term effects of injuries this severe aims to compensate for the impact these changes have on the victim’s life. Third-party litigation often must account not only for economic damages like lost earning capacity and future medical costs, but also various non-economic forms of physical pain and psychological suffering.
A knowledgeable car accident lawyer could discuss a particular person’s filing options in more detail during a confidential consultation.
It is crucial to retain legal representation before interacting with insurance representatives, since they are often trained to take advantage of unrepresented claimants and try to minimize their insured’s liability.
When it comes to third-party litigation after a front-end car crash in State College, though, there is a specific deadline set under state law. According to 42 P.S. §5524, a typical personal injury victim has a maximum of two years after the collision to begin the litigation process, or else he or she will almost always lose the right to file suit over that particular incident.
Head-on traffic accidents cause thousands of injuries and hundreds of fatalities across the United States every year, many of which could have been prevented if one person involved had acted more responsibly. If you were injured or lost a family member in a wreck like this, understanding and enforcing your legal right to pursue financial recovery could be vital to protecting your long-term security.
A conversation with a seasoned legal representative could give you the clarity you need to proactively address a front-end car accident in State College. Call Marcus & Mack today to learn more.
Marcus & Mack