
A fire injury is among the most traumatic injuries that someone can experience. Severe burns are painful, slow to heal, and often require extended medical treatment.

When you suffer a burn injury and believe someone else’s negligent actions are to blame, you have the option to seek monetary damages to compensate for your losses. Speak with a Somerset burn injury lawyer as soon as possible for help with your case. A well-practiced catastrophic injury attorney at Marcus & Mack can advise you on your legal options and help get you the compensation you deserve.

Types of Burn Injuries

Medical professionals classify burns based on severity. The six categories are:

  • First-Degree Burns: Affect only the outermost layer of skin and typically heal on their own with first aid;
  • Second-Degree Burns: Penetrate the dermis and may require medical intervention;
  • Third-Degree Burns: Penetrate your skin and usually require skin grafts to repair;
  • Fourth-Degree Burns: Infiltrate the fat layer under your skin;
  • Fifth-Degree Burns: Penetrate your bones; and
  • Sixth-Degree Burns: Char the affected body part entirely.

Fourth and fifth-degree burns are often fatal, and sixth-degree burns almost always result in death.

Physiological Effects of Burn Injuries

According to the National Institutes of Health, your body generates an inflammatory response when burned that could be as life-threatening as the burn itself. When you suffer burns, your body goes into shock, causing a drop in blood pressure and oxygen. Fluid can accumulate in your body, causing lung, heart, and kidney swelling. Trauma to the skin could also result in persistent, severe infections. A qualified burn injury attorney in Somerset could speak with experts to thoroughly assess the harm you experienced and determine the full extent and value of your damages.

Common Causes of Fires

Many fires are started by the negligent conduct of another person. For example, when faulty wiring causes a fire, the property owner or electrician might be liable. If a product exploded or caught on fire, its manufacturer might be responsible for paying monetary damages. Burns could also result from certain medical procedures—in such cases, the healthcare professional could be liable.

When someone suffers burns at work, his or her employer covers their medical care and pays them a wage supplement under the state Workers’ Compensation program. Workers may not sue their employers for damages under these circumstances. However, an employee could take legal action if a malfunctioning product or the actions of a third party—like an independent contractor—led to the incident that caused the burns. A fire accident attorney in Somerset could review the circumstances of your case to determine whether negligence caused your injuries.

Establishing Proof of Negligence

To prove negligence, you must demonstrate another person failed to exercise reasonable care, causing your injury. The specific proof you need will depend on the details of your case.

For example, if a defective product caused the fire, a Somerset burn injury attorney could secure an expert opinion from an engineer to prove the product was defective. If a medical procedure caused your burn, a doctor might need to certify that medical negligence caused your injury.

Negligent parties are responsible only for the damages resulting from their actions. If your behavior was a factor in the accident, Pennsylvania law (42 Pa.C.S.A. § 7102) says that you can only collect partial damages from other negligent parties.

Work With a Skilled Somerset Burn Injury Attorney

When recovering from a severe burn, you should focus on healing. However, financial concerns could distract you from your recovery as medical bills pile up.

Allow a capable Somerset burn injury lawyer to hold the negligent party accountable and fight for your rightful compensation. Call today to schedule a free consultation with a caring legal professional at Marcus & Mack.

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