
Collisions between a vehicle and a pedestrian often are fatal to the pedestrian. Survivors could suffer severe or permanent injuries.

Drivers must take care to avoid hitting pedestrians, and most pedestrian accidents are the driver’s fault. When a driver’s negligence causes an injury to a pedestrian, the driver is liable for all the pedestrian’s resulting damages.

Consult an experienced personal injury attorney if you or a family member suffered injuries from a vehicle collision while on foot or using a mobility aid. A Somerset pedestrian accident lawyer could ensure you receive appropriate compensation for the full extent of your injuries.

State Laws Governing Pedestrians

Pedestrians are entitled to walk on most roads, but the law imposes some restrictions to enhance safety. A pedestrian who violates any traffic laws could be partially liable for an accident resulting in his or her injuries and might only collect partial damages. A seasoned Somerset pedestrian accident attorney could explain the implications of a pedestrian’s negligence in a specific case.

75 P.S.§ 102 defines a pedestrian as a person traveling on foot or someone with a disability using a manual or motorized wheelchair or scooter. A person without a disability using a skateboard, skates, bicycle, or scooter is not a pedestrian under this definition.

State law requires pedestrians to use sidewalks when they are available. In areas without passable sidewalks, pedestrians must walk facing traffic as far to the left as possible. Pedestrians should use crosswalks and obey traffic control signals when present, and when not present, allow vehicles the right-of-way when crossing.

Establishing Negligence for a Pedestrian Collision

Motorists must be attentive to others on the road and do his or her best to avoid injuring pedestrians. A driver could negligently cause a pedestrian accident even when obeying the law.

For example, a driver moving at the speed limit could be negligent if they hit a person in a wheelchair traveling on the shoulder of the road. Drivers sometimes focus so intently on other vehicles they become “blind” to other road users like motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians. Motor vehicle operators must be aware of their surroundings and be prepared to respond to the unexpected. Failing to do so might constitute negligence.

A proactive Somerset lawyer could visit the scene of a pedestrian crash, analyze the police report and witness statements, and review any available video evidence. This investigation could provide proof of the driver’s negligence and implicate others, such as a vehicle manufacturer or the local government responsible for road maintenance. Our diligent legal professionals could assert a claim against any party whose negligence might have contributed to the accident.

Get Legal Representation Soon After a Pedestrian Accident

Pedestrian accidents can cause severe and sometimes life-altering permanent injuries. Insurance companies often prefer to get ahead of significant claims. They might offer an injured pedestrian a cash settlement soon after an injury—sometimes while they are still in the hospital.

It is critically important for an injured person to consult a capable Somerset attorney before accepting an offer to settle a pedestrian accident case. It is even better if the lawyer is involved from the beginning, so the insurance company must communicate through the lawyer rather than directly with the injured person or his or her family.

The offer might seem generous, and a family might be grateful for a way to handle mounting bills during a long recovery period. However, a quick settlement offer usually represents a fraction of the claim’s value, and accepting it requires the injured person to give up his or her rights to file a lawsuit later. Allowing an experienced legal professional to handle settlement negotiations is a far better strategy.

Enlist the Help of a Somerset Pedestrian Accident Attorney

When you or your child are hurt in a pedestrian accident, you cannot count on the insurance company representing the liable party to be fair. You need an aggressive legal advocate to secure the comprehensive compensation you deserve.

A Somerset pedestrian accident lawyer at Marcus & Mack could investigate the incident, identify the negligent parties, and negotiate vigorously for an acceptable settlement. Reach out immediately after an accident to get a skilled attorney on your side.

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Marcus & Mack

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57 S 6th Street,
The Mitchell House

Indiana PA   15701
1216 11th Ave
Suite 219

Altoona PA   16601
108 West Beaver Avenue,
Suite 203

State College PA  16801
334 Budfield St,

Johnstown PA  15904
12 West Long Ave.
Suite 203

DuBois PA  15801