When you stay at a hotel, you expect the staff and management to take the care necessary to keep guests safe. Unfortunately, some hotels do not meet this expectation.
If you or a loved one suffered harm while staying at a hotel, you may benefit from contacting an Altoona dangerous property attorney. You may be eligible to seek financial compensation for your injuries with the help of an Altoona hotel accident lawyer.
Hotels owe a general duty of care to keep their guests reasonably safe from harm. This means keeping the premises safe from dangerous conditions and preventing situations that could be harmful to hotel guests, such as dangerous conditions on the property, such as broken steps, snow and ice accumulation, and broken concrete in the sidewalks and parking lots.
Negligence occurs when the hotel or its employees breach their duty of reasonable care and cause injury to hotel guests. It is essential in a personal injury lawsuit that negligence be proven in order to successfully obtain financial compensation.
Proving negligence can be a complex endeavor without knowledgeable legal counsel. There are very specific rules which govern how evidence is presented and the type of proof necessary to make a claim of negligence. It takes investigation and the collection of appropriate evidence by a well-practiced lawyer in the area to effectively prove a hotel accident case.
Hotel management or staff can breach its duty of care to guests in many ways, including:
When a plaintiff suffers injuries due to a hotel worker’s failure to remove or warn of hazards, a consultation with a skilled Altoona lawyer could be in order.
Injuries that occur from these types of negligent acts comes in many shapes and sizes. They could include:
When a hotel staff fails to abide by the standard of care expected of these businesses, they can be held responsible for providing financial compensation to the injured guest. Guests injured due to hazards at a hotel should work with a seasoned attorney in Altoona to ensure they are fully compensated for their harm.
Financial recourse can include economic damages such as medical bills, rehabilitation costs, property damage, and lost time from work. Non-economic damages are also available in most cases, including damages for pain and suffering, loss of consortium, scarring and disfigurement, and inconvenience.
If you or a loved one were injured by the negligence of a hotel owner or staff member, you may be entitled to significant financial compensation. A consultation with an accomplished attorney at Marcus & Mack could help you understand your rights and the compensation to which you may be entitled. Contact an experienced Altoona hotel accident lawyer for a free consultation today.