Attorney Bradley Holuta: If they’re injured as a pedestrian, they’re struck by a vehicle, we can make a claim for their damages. And damages come in two types.
There are what are called economic damages which are things that are measurable or quantifiable. That would be lost wages if they’re unable to work, as well as future lost earning capacity. If they’re not going to be able to work in the future or not work their former job and they’re going to suffer lost earnings in the future, we can make a claim for that. We can also make a claim for any medical bills that are unpaid or for which they’ve incurred out of pocket expenses. There are all these things that are quantifiable are called economic damages.
We can also make a recovery from non-economic damages and that’s the intangible things like pain and suffering, embarrassment, inconvenience from having to go doctor appointments, the disruption in their day to day life, the inability to enjoy activities, recreational things they used to do and just the pain from having to deal with their injuries. We can make a recovery for those items as well.
If they find they’ve been injured, please call our office and we’ll be happy to speak with them.
Marcus & Mack