
Sustaining an injury or seeing your loved one injured is normally not what you expect during your stay at a hotel. Unfortunately, hotel accidents do occur, and in some cases, they can result in catastrophic injuries.

A DuBois premises liability attorney could investigate whether the incident was because of the negligence of a hotel, its employees, or other people in the hotel. Furthermore, an experienced DuBois hotel accident lawyer could help you fight for the compensation you are entitled to after suffering severe harm.

Common Causes of Hotel Accidents in DuBois

Property owners of hotels, are obligated under state law to ensure that their property is maintained in a safe manner. To recover compensation after an accident at a hotel, a plaintiff and his or her DuBois lawyer must show the hotel owed a duty of care to the injured individual, that duty was breached, and the breach caused or contributed to the injury. Some of the common ways a hotel could breach its duty to a guest include:

  • Inadequate security measures
  • Improper maintenance of walkways
  • Failure to timely clean up spills and other slip and fall hazards
  • Inadequate lighting
  • Failure to properly inspect and maintain equipment, furniture, machines, and other objects on the premises
  • Failure to ensure safety in swimming pools
  • Causing food poisoning or other illness to guests
  • Failure to provide an overall safe environment for guests

There are many ways in which a hotel guest could become injured due to the negligence of a hotel or its employees. No matter the cause of a hotel accident injury, a legal professional should be consulted to help determine an individual’s legal options.

Settlement Discussions with a Hotel’s Insurance Company

When a claim is filed against a hotel following an injury, the hotel’s insurance provider typically handles the case. Unfortunately, many insurance companies make the claim process difficult for injured guests and do not want to pay fair compensation for injuries sustained on the property. Some of the typical ways in which an insurance company creates obstacles in a claim include:

  • Delaying the investigation of a claim
  • Destroying or losing valuable evidence
  • Attempting to minimize the value of a claim
  • Arguing that an individual assumed the risk of injury or acted negligently
  • Claiming that the injured individual should have seen the hazardous condition
  • Delaying payment on a legitimate injury claim
  • Trying to prevent an individual from hiring an attorney

It is important to remember that a hotel’s insurance provider is not looking out for the injured guest’s best interests. It is also crucial to keep in mind that the deadline for filing a hotel accident injury claim with the state courts is two years, according to 42 P.S. § 5524. A seasoned hotel injury lawyer in DuBois could help work with the insurance companies to recover the compensation an injured guest deserves.

Contact a DuBois Hotel Accident Attorney Today

When you stay at a hotel, you expect the staff and property manager to keep everything safe and ready for use by guests. However, hotels typically have many types of amenities and guests, resulting in a variety of risks.

If you or a loved one sustained a severe injury while staying at a hotel, you should seek the assistance of a dedicated DuBois hotel accident lawyer. Call Marcus & Mack now to get started on your case.

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Marcus & Mack

Marcus & Mack
12 West Long Ave.
Suite 203

DuBois PA  15801