Truck Accidents with FedEx Truck
Thanks to the booming e-commerce industry, FedEx trucks are more present on today’s roads than ever, and truck accidents involving FedEx trucks occur frequently. No...
children running together in field during summer
Russell Bopp, Esq., attorney at the law firm of Marcus & Mack, P.C., was recently appointed as a Hearing Committee Member serving the Disciplinary Board...
Types of Truck Accidents
A truck accident can be both life-threatening and life-changing. No matter the type of accident, you, as the victim, need to know your rights and...
How Long Do You Have to Accept a Settlement Offer
Settling a claim with an insurance company is a complicated process with multiple steps. You will likely have to present evidence and documentation before the...
How to Choose a Personal Injury Lawyer
A personal injury lawyer advocates for the best possible outcome in your claim or lawsuit. This professional needs to be skilled, capable of navigating challenges...
Where Do Car Accidents Most Occur in Altoona
Whether you are driving down 10th Avenue or Route 764, car accidents can occur at any time on any of these roadways. As the area’s...
What is the Statute of Limitations in a Car Accident Claim
One crucial aspect of car accident claims is the statute of limitations—a legal time limit within which you must file a lawsuit to pursue compensation....
Can I Sue After a Car Accident
If you’re asking, “Can I sue after a car accident?” you can. An even more essential question is, “Should I file a lawsuit?” The answer...
How Much to Expect from a Car Accident Settlement
It’s understandable that you’d want to know how much to expect from a car accident settlement. But when speaking with attorneys, steer clear of those...
When to Get an Attorney for a Car Accident
There are some instances where people don’t need to get an attorney for a car accident. If the wreck is a minor fender-bender and no...
What to Expect After a Car Accident
Experiencing a car wreck can be overwhelming and disorienting. However, knowing what to expect after a car accident and taking the best steps afterward can...
Types of Car Accidents
There are many types of car accidents, and all of them can cause severe injuries and fatalities. The kind of wreck that occurs will often...
Experience Lawyer for Personal Injury
When you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, seeking legal representation is often a crucial step in ensuring you receive fair compensation for your...
Experience Lawyer for Uber Accident
Hailing an Uber for a convenient and safe ride home has become a familiar routine for many. But what happens when that routine takes a terrifying...
Experience Lawyer for Truck Accident
In today’s fast-paced world, truck accidents have become an unfortunate reality on our roads. The sheer size and weight of semis and tractor-trailers make them...
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Marcus & Mack

Marcus & Mack
57 S 6th Street,
The Mitchell House

Indiana PA   15701
1216 11th Ave
Suite 219

Altoona PA   16601
108 West Beaver Avenue,
Suite 203

State College PA  16801
334 Budfield St,

Johnstown PA  15904
12 West Long Ave.
Suite 203

DuBois PA  15801