
Information on Halloween Safety in Pennsylvania

Staying Safe While Trick-or-Treating As the leaves across PA begin to change color and the air starts to cool, the minds of children start to...

Trucks Put Pennsylvania Drivers’ Lives in Jeopardy

Truck accidents are a serious public health hazard which kill thousands of Americans every year. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, fatal truck...

Bicycle Safety a Grown-Up Matter Too

You have one. And you are not alone. Yours might be red or green or sky-blue. It could be tricked out, every bell and extra...

NTSB Study Shows Speeding on Local Roads A Significant Concern

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) released a study in July of this year which addresses the large role speeding has in auto accidents in...

Johnstown Truck Accident Rates

Truck driver fatigue is a major concern and a big contributor to causing truck accidents. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulations aim to reduce fatigue...

Altoona Motorcycle Accidents Climb in Summer

With summer in full swing, Pennsylvania motorcycle accidents are on the rise. Our motorcycle injury lawyers know many riders want to soak in as much...

Truck Accidents in Pennsylvania Minimized With Proper Underride Guards

Side underride guards are lifesavers in a Pennsylvania truck accident. They prevent a motorist colliding with a commercial truck from sliding underneath a truck, resulting...

Pennsylvania Car Accident Danger Rises With Advanced Age

Aging drivers are at higher risk of crashes, related injuries and deaths, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although...

Pennsylvania Car Accidents Wreak Havoc on Families and Economy

Imagine if a tornado ripped through the whole state of Pennsylvania, causing millions in property damage, injuring more than 82,000 people and killing more than...

Risks of Aggressive Driving Accidents

Motorists need to be aware of the dangers presented by aggressive driving. They need to recognize the red flags that may signal their own aggressive...
Back sitting view of a person driving a car
Motorists need to be aware of the dangers presented by aggressive driving. They need to recognize the red flags that may signal their own aggressive...

Aggressive Driving Accidents Endanger Johnstown Drivers

Aggressive driving is a major problem because it is so common. Nearly everyone has been angry at some point while driving. Unfortunately, it only takes...

Altoona Truck Crashes Can Be Caused By Cargo Loading Issues

Unsecured or improperly secured cargo can create a significant risk of truck collisions. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine indicated that roll-over truck accidents...

What You Can Do to Avoid Accidents Caused by Winter Weather

An accident on Interstate 78 in Pennsylvania last year left three people dead and many more injured. CNN reported on the incident, which was described...

Come And Visit Our Offices

Marcus & Mack

Marcus & Mack
57 S 6th Street,
The Mitchell House

Indiana PA   15701
1216 11th Ave
Suite 219

Altoona PA   16601
108 West Beaver Avenue,
Suite 203

State College PA  16801
334 Budfield St,

Johnstown PA  15904
12 West Long Ave.
Suite 203

DuBois PA  15801