When to Call an Attorney After an Accident

When to Call an Attorney After an Accident

Following an accident, there are a number of different complications that can be confusing to a person who has sustained an injury as a result of someone else’s negligence. There are several different questions that may arise.

What kind of legal action do I have? Is it possible to seek justice against the responsible party? Can I seek compensation for the damages I’ve sustained?

These are all reasonable questions, making this a very difficult situation for anyone to endure. This is why it’s so important to avoid dealing with the situation on your own. Knowing when it’s important to hire a lawyer following an accident can help make a difference in how you approach a case.

Hiring a lawyer has many benefits and you should recognize your need for hiring one as soon as you get medical attention for the accident.

The Moments Following an Accident

After an accident, you may encounter various difficulties which you may not know how to approach. For instance, there may be a situation in which the negligent party’s insurance company is calling you to get a recorded statement regarding what happened during the accident.

While you often feel as though insurance companies are looking out for your best interests, you should understand that there are situations in which they’re looking out for their own best interests. This means their phone call with you may be an attempt to get you to make a statement that puts you at fault.

The important thing for you to know here: you are not obligated to speak with the insurance company.

You should hire an attorney who can speak with the insurance company on your behalf. Your attorney can help prevent them from turning the tables on you and attempting to put fault on you for the accident. Instead, your attorney can give proper statements and help protect your rights.

Meeting Deadlines to File a Lawsuit

Not everyone knows this, but following a car accident, there are specific deadlines that dictate the victim’s ability to file a lawsuit. For instance, the statutes of limitations in a personal injury case in Pennsylvania is two (2) years from the date of the incident.

This means you have two years after the crash to compile the necessary information and build a lawsuit. A lawyer can help you do this in order to meet the deadlines with accurate and complete information to help you build the strongest case possible.

When a Settlement Is Offered

The insurance company may accept fault—or some amount of fault—on their policyholder’s behalf and as a result, they may offer a settlement to you in lieu of going through to trial. This is a set amount they determine based on their own understanding of the accident.

While many accident victims are quick to accept the settlement offer, they may not be aware of their rights and are simply looking to get a quick payout and avoid any further legal matters. This isn’t always the best option for everyone, though.

The settlement offer is often much less than the accident victim needs to help cover the expenses they have incurred as a result of the injuries. This may not be the maximum amount of compensation that the victim may be entitled to, though, and countering the settlement may be necessary.

However, before you go through the settlement process, you should also have a lawyer who can help you truly understand the best option for you. A lawyer can explain how much your case may be worth and what options you may have.

Going Through a Trial

Legal matters are very complex and there are so many aspects to consider that going at it alone can be difficult. When you decide to decline the settlement offer, you may be able to go to trial for the case and seek compensation from the negligent party.

The trial, however, can be just as complicated as other matters and it will require some help from a legal professional who has gone through similar situations before. A lawyer can help you with all of the resources you may need to successfully navigate these matters.

A lawyer can help you put together the evidence you need, reach out to experts who can help prove fault in the car accident, and compile witnesses and the necessary documents needed when going to trial.

During the trial, or even through discovery, your lawyer can help present your side of the case and work to protect your rights during the entire process in a manner that keeps both sides truthful and fair.

Why You Should Choose Our Western and Central Pennsylvania Car Accident Lawyers

Since 1977, our legal team at Marcus & Mack has been dedicated to the rights of injured individuals. We are truly dedicated to guiding you through the process and pursuing the most favorable outcome possible after you have sustained serious injuries because of someone’s negligent actions.

Our Pennsylvania car accident attorneys have assisted in obtaining financial compensation—and justice—for thousands of people who need the help necessary to rebuild their lives. Serious accidents require strong legal action, and this is what we aim to provide every step of the way.

Insurance companies should not have the power to dictate your future and our firm is here to help you take control of the outcome of your case. This means knowing when to hire an attorney, what to look for, and what to expect with your choice of representation.

If you have sustained serious injury as a result of someone else’s negligence in a car accident, our firm is here to help. Call us today at (814) 277-5664 and schedule your free consultation to speak with experienced legal counsel about your potential case.

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